Cuenca has a beautiful position, built on a high spur, above the gorges cut by 2 rivers. The European Missionary Fellowship has been helping to support a Christian work here for some time.

Pastor Matthew Hill has been looking after a congregation in Cuenca for about 6 years, but is now moving to a new sphere of service, so the congregation have to look to the Lord for their future pastoral care.
They have a very well appointed building, perhaps on the small side at times, near the town centre. We were welcomed warmly, and were asked to bring greetings. They had a congregational lunch that day so we were able to chat and get to know them a little bit.
This is one of the Rumanians who worship there and we heard that in another church there are many Rumanian gypsies.
Here are Sergio and Evelein. He is Spanish and she is Dutch. They met while studying English in England and both did the EMF Bible Course in Welwyn. They have recently arrived in Cuenca and want to do what they can to help. They have just issued their first Prayer Letter. Some of their requests are listed below.
Remember Serge as he is included in the list of visiting preachers for the congregation after the departure of the Hill family; that he may gain from experience in this sphere.
Remember the contacts they make through street evangelism, visiting an Old People's Home, etc.
Their financial support: they are registered unemployed at the moment and are looking for temporary work.
The Cuenca congregation and the town itself.

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