Haddington was the birthplace of John Knox and St. Mary's Church is where he would have attended as a boy. He was the instigator in having part of it restored in the 1500s. The remainder was restored later. It is the longest Church in Scotland. George Wishart preached his last sermon in this church before being burned as a heretic at St. Andrews.
The old bridge which Knox would have crossed as a boy. Bob's artistic eye appreciated the stone work!
More stone work! The building of The Pineapple was begun in 1701.and was done by skilled masons. It was built as a summer house and there were greenhouses attached to the walls on either side. These were heated cleverly heated from inside the building. There was also space for the gardeners to live.
What wonderful things people are able to do. But the work of the Lord transcends any human endeavors. He works in the hearts of men, women, boys and girls, making His own building - His Church - which will last forever. This Spiritual building has a sure foundation, Jesus Christ, who "suffered for sin, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God"