"He is able .... to keep..."

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Would someone start the music?

Ah! Dance of the storks!

Any room for me?

The circus is coming to town!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


We found ourselves on a very beautiful road which wound high into the hills, before descending very steeply to the valley floor.

Although it seemed as if we were "at the back of beyond", at some point we joined a bit that is part of an old pilgrim route called St. James's Way. The Camino de Santiago comprises routes from all over Europe, but in particular France and Spain, which lead to the final destination of Santiago de Campostela in the north-west of Spain. It is in the cathedral there that the tomb of St. James is supposed to be. We passed many walkers and cyclists on this "way". How very sad when the Saviour said, "I am the way". The Christian's pilgrim walk is following our Lord.

Oops! Watch the top of the van here, the street looks a bit narrow! These cylists travel really fast, downhill!

"... for here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come..."
Hebrews 13:14

Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
Hold mewith they powerful hand;
Bread of Heaven,
Feed me till my want is o'er.

When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside!
Death of death and hell's destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan's side!
Songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee.

Saturday, 17 September 2011


In Palencia, we admired the pedestrianized streets and were able to park on an island on the river! It was Saturday when we arrived. We did not have the name of a church to go to on the Lord's Day, but the Tourist Information Office gave us two addresses which we were able to locate, and we decided on one of them for the next day.

This is the place of worship that we attended; a site which would normally be used as a shop.

This give an idea of the inside space. By the end of the service we were running out of chairs! Bill, when invited, was happy to say a few words from the Bible in Spanish. At the end of the service the children recited the verses of Scripture that they had been memorizing.

Modeste is the Pastor. He is concerned for his flock, as he is not sure how much longer he can do the work.

Modeste and his wife, Luduvina, warmly welcomed us into their home and we enjoyed fellowship with them. They are a very sweet couple. They feel isolated as there are not many like-minded Christian groups near them.

Monday, 12 September 2011


Not far from the village with the caves is Tarazona. We set out to have a look at the old town, built on the hill. We had to walk as the streets are too narrow for a vehicle.

In the middle ages there was a strong Jewish and Muslim presence in the town, and they and the "Christians" existed peaceably together. There are many Moorish influences in the architecture. During the inquisition the Jews were treated much more harshly than the Muslims, and those who survived fled the city at the end of the 15th century. It was interesting for us to see the old Jewish quarter with its "hanging houses"
that clung to the crumbling hillside!

There was a cheerful work force who were employed in the restoration of these fascinating buildings.

They really were doing a magnificent job as you can see.

The newer part of the town near the river.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


It's interesting how the landscape changes as one drives along, not only the contours of the countryside but also the colours.

Looking for a quiet place to stay we turned into a a quiet country road and found ourselves in this peaceful yet interesting village, built against the hillside, and where, not that long ago some of the people lived in caves.

Here you can see how the cave-dwellers would build up the entrance to the caves.

It was quite scary to think that there is a large dam constructed just above the village

We explored some of the beautiful countryside round about