Every fortnight or so our minister has a Bible-study in a home in the pretty village of Stow, situated in the Scottish border hills, some 20 miles south of Edinburgh. Those who attend have been learning from the Shorter Catechism, an old document of 107 questions and answers which sets out the teaching of the Bible.

"What is the chief end of man?" is the 1st question. This is the age-old question: why am I here? And the answer brings us face to face with our Creator: "The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever".
The psalmist, King David knew this answer, when he said:
Whom have I in the heavens high
but thee, O Lord, alone?
And in the earth whom I desire
besides thee there is none.
but thee, O Lord, alone?
And in the earth whom I desire
besides thee there is none.
Psalm 73:25