"He is able .... to keep..."

Saturday, 27 February 2010


Saturday p.m. Jonathan continues stable, and everything continues well at the moment. There will be no posting tomorrow unless there is something of note to report.

Friday, 26 February 2010


Friday mid-day. We are pleased to say that the doctors are pleased with the way that Jonathan has come through the operation. This morning he has been sitting in a chair. Philip thinks that his speech is clearer and stronger. They hope that if things continue to go well he will be moved back to the Western in 2 days.

Meanwhile, Gillian and Samuel are on their way North. Do remember them all in your prayers.

Thursday, 25 February 2010


Thursday This evening's news is that Jonathan was taken to theatre at mid-day today and had an operation to re-inflate his lung. At 6.00 p.m. news came from Gillian to say that Philip was with Jonathan in the recovery room. We do trust that Jonathan will make a good recovery from this operation.

Philip and Gillian travelled safely yesterday meeting about halfway to have coffee together. Tomorrow Gillian will make the journey back north again with Samuel. Pray for needed strength, and safety on the road.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Wednesday a.m. Hopefully Jonathan's lung will be reinflated tomorrow using kehole surgery. He is in ICU and visiting is very restrictive.

There is encouraging news saying that his eyes are focusing better. He is comprehending more and is even speaking!! His voice is low because of the trachy but the doctors are encouraging him to speak rather than getting too dependant on signs. He is even making efforts to write!

The business of the car is being attended to. The driver has been contacted.

Please remember especially today, in view of the snowy conditions, both parent as one - Philip - travels north to come back to the hospital and Gillian travels to be with Samuel.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Tuesday mid-day. Jonathan's lung has collapsed again and he has been transferred to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Towards the end of the week he will undergo surgery, hopefully key-hole surgery, which will be less traumatic for him. Philip is still in Bolton with Samuel so Gillian is faced with this latest development on her own.

Added to all this their car was damaged yesterday while in the car park. Onlookers took the number of the car which had caused the damage, which may help when claiming from the Insurers, but this is an added stress for them. Philip may travel back North tomorrow.

People are asked not to visit the hospital until further notice. Please pray for them all at this difficult time.

Monday, 22 February 2010


Monday p.m. Jonathan remains stable. Please continue to pray even when there is no news.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


The staff and Jonathan's family remain happy with his condition, but there is nothing new to report.

The Lord is just in His ways all
And holy in His works each one.
He's near to all that on Him call
Who call in truth on Him alone.
Psalm 145:17,18

Saturday, 20 February 2010


Saturday p.m. Jonathan has not been moved into the neuro ward as was hoped. HDU want to keep him where he is. The lung is still ok but if it deflates again he would need surgery. So please pray that the lung will indeed stay inflated. However, he makes progress otherwise, and will nod or shake his head to answer a direct question.
Please pray also for Samuel as he returns to school on Monday. After attending morning service and then lunch with the Gracies, Philip or Gillian will drive south to Bolton. Pray for safety on the road and for peaceful hearts in the midst of concern.

Friday, 19 February 2010


Friday p.m. We are thankful that the news today is that Jonathan is to be moved this afternoon into the neurological ward. The lung specialist in the Royal Infirmary has been giving his opinion to the doctors dealing with Jonathan. Jonathan remains on the ventilator but continues to make good progress. He is showing that he is recognising people and when Mr. Gracie said earlier in the day that Catriona (his wife) would be in to visit later, Jonathan gave the thumbs up sign! Then he waved goodbye as Mr. Gracie left. We give thanks to God for His goodness.

Thursday, 18 February 2010


Thursday p.m. Jonathan was quite active again today. He is still on the ventilator and the doctors are still waiting to hear from the lung specialist in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Wednesday a.m. Jonathan had his lung reinflated yesterday and was stable through the night. Also yesterday, the medical staff had him sitting up, helping him to do some exercises. The doctors are waiting for advice from the lung expert in the Royal Infirmary. Jonathan is not being moved there, as was wrongly reported yesterday. We are sorry for the inaccurate information given.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Tuesday. Please uphold Jonathan in your prayers. His lung collapsed yesterday. Pray also for wisdom for the doctors as they contemplate moving him to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, where, they say, he would receive more expert treatment for this problem.

Monday, 15 February 2010


Monday a.m. Hopefully, later today we may hear that Jonathan has been moved to the neurological ward.
The family are very encouraged this morning as Jonathan shows increasing responses to spoken commands. Every step of improvement is a cause for thanksgiving.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


Sunday 9.15 p.m. It was lovely to have the Rimmers worship with us this morning and for people to have the opportunity to greet them. Jonathan had a good night. He is still fighting the infection, but otherwise doing well. He and his mother were having a "game" yesterday with a piece of tube joined to make a circle. She waved to him through it. He put it on his head, then she did the same (or maybe it was the other way round) and she thought she saw the glimmer of a smile. She said it was like playing with a toddler. May the Heavenly Father restore to this mother her son, not just as a little boy, but as a young man. Pray that it may be so.

Saturday, 13 February 2010


Saturday 4.30 p.m. Jonathan continues to do well. He is still moving quite a bit. The tube has been removed from his lung but he is still receiving help with breathing. The doctors want to make sure that the lung infection has completely cleared before moving him back to the neurological ward.
Gillian and Samuel had a safe journey back yesterday, and they with Philip hope to be at the morning service. They would like to thank you for your prayers.

Friday, 12 February 2010


Friday. Jonathan had a good night, but his temperature is up today, probably because of the infection in the lungs. His medication is being changed and hopefully he will respond to that. He is still in the HDU.

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Thursday 10.00 p.m. Jonathan is still on the ventilator but remains stable. He is moving more, and both eyes are open. Not only are his eyes open but today his father thought he had eye contact with him. This afternoon one of the doctors said in a loud voice, "Jonathan, shake hands," and Jonathan raised his right hand! It was a lovely moment for his Dad to see.

Tomorrow morning, Mrs Rimmer and Samuel will make the journey back to Edinburgh. It is good that Samuel has been able to put in a few days at school. Now he is on holiday for a week.

The family are extremely heartened by the support that many people are showing them. A group of student friends of Jonathan have visited the hospital and there is now on the ward wall photos of a student outing that Jonathan took part in. This will be a talking point that can be used to talk to him and stimulate his memory in days to come.

A young friend from Bolton, Ben, made the long journey to Edinburgh to see and hear how his friend was doing.

Tonight, Philip, felt he could leave the hospital for a while and attended our mid-week service, where the folks were so pleased to see him.

Let us thank the Lord for all His goodness, shown in so many ways.


Thurs. 4.00 p.m. Jonathan is stable and the doctors are hoping to get him off the ventilator this afternoon.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Wednesday 8. 30 p.m. Jonathan is now settled and has been moved from ICU to the HDU. He is still on the ventilator. Please pray for the Rimmers, Philip in Edinburgh and Gillian and Samuel in Bolton.

He only my salvation is,
And my strong rock is he;
He only is my sure defence:
I shall not moved be.
Psalm 62:6


Wednesday 3.30 p.m. The doctors were happy enough for Jonathan's mother to go south. They have cleared out his lungs and are checking what the infection is, and then will treat it.


Wednesday 11.45 a.m. A bit of a set back for Jonathan. He developed breathing difficulties through the night, due to lung problems. He was sedated and transferred back to Intensive Care Unit where he is on a ventilator. The doctors are trying to find out the cause, thinking it may be an infection. Although they notified Mr. and Mrs. Rimmer throught the night, they said it was not necessary for them to come in to the hospital, stressing that they see this as a "blip", that will hopefully be attended to soon.
Mrs Rimmer is leaving for Bolton round about now. Do lift her up to the Throne of Grace, asking for, not only safety on the road, but for the "peace which passeth all understanding" to garrison her heart and mind.

If anyone would like to leave a message for the Rimmers, it will be passed on to them.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Tuesday 10.00 p.m. Please pray for Samuel. His Dad took him south on Sunday and he started back in school yesterday. Pray he may be able to settle and that the Lord will keep him peaceful. Philip returned to Edinburgh today, and tomorrow Gillian is travelling south to be with Samuel until Thursday evening when they will both return to the hospital. Let us remember Gillian as she journeys, that she too may be kept safe and know the Lord's peace in her heart.


Tuesday 4.30 p.m. Within the last hour Jonathan has been moved from the High Dependancy Unit to the Neurological Ward. This indicates that his condition remains stable. The family may now be more limited in the time they are allowed to be beside him. There are afternoon and evening visiting times, but, at the moment, these are restricted to relatives.
Please pray for the doctors as they will plan what treatment to prescribe for him.

Monday, 8 February 2010

There are anxious days ahead for Jonathan's family. Let us continue to pray for them, that God will grant them the grace and strength they will need.

God is our refuge and our strength
In straits a present aid.
Therefore although the earth remove
we will not be afraid.

Psalm 46:1-2

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Sunday p.m. We have another encouragement tonight as we hear that Jonathan is not now considered to be in a Critical or Life Threatening condition, but Chronically Ill. He has been moved from the Intensive Care Unit to a room of his own in the High Dependancy Unit with a nurse constantly in attendance. Because of concern that he would pull the breathing tube out of his mouth it has been replaced by a tracheostomy. His parents hope that fairly soon it may be possible to move their son to nearer home. Please pray for peace for them in all their concerns.

Saturday, 6 February 2010


Saturday p.m. Jonathan continues stable. There may not be as much to report on his condition over the next few days, as there has been in the last fortnight. There is much to be thankful for in his progress so far. However there is a long way to go and the whole family need our continued prayerful support.

Friday, 5 February 2010


Friday. Jonathan's physical progress has been maintained today. He is still making arm movements, and today his eyes have been open for most of the day, although as yet, they are unseeing. Sedation has been withdrawn, although the effects of it will take some time to work through his body. The only tubes he has are for nutrition. He looks better. The medical staff are very pleased with his progress. Please pray about the next decisions that have to be made.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Thursday. mid-day. According to the latest news, Jonathan continues to make good progress. Most of the tubes in his body have now been removed. Medication is reduced, and he continues to show that he is hearing by obeying "commands". The nurses are surprised at how well he is doing at this stage after the accident. Having said that, it must also be said that there is a long way to go. But let us give our thanks to God for the progress so far, and continue to commit Jonathan to His care.
There is a tube in Jonathan's mouth which is obviously causing him discomfort. There will be a proceedure this afternoon (in the ward) to remove it, and insert one that will be more comfortable. He also has an infection or allergy in both arms, which the doctors are going to identify from a blood sample and then treat.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


Wed. p.m. There are some encouraging signs this evening. Jonathan remains stable. Some tubes have been removed from him and there are indications that he is hearing what is being said to him. When asked to press a hand, after a delay he was able to respond to the request albeit, weakly; when asked to open his eyes his eyeslids fluttered as if trying to make the effort. Also, whereas there was a nurse constantly watching him, now they may move to see other patients in the ward. May the Good Physician continue this work of healing.


Wed. 4.p.m. We are thankful to say that things are quiet which is a good sign, and Jonathan is almost breathing on his own. His family are still waiting to see what and when the next step will be. They are having their evening meal with the Gracie family. Thank you all for your continued prayers, wherever you are, north or south, east or west.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


Tues. p.m. The doctors have been back and fore to the ward to see Jonathan. He is still the same. Please pray.


Tues. a.m. No news this morning other than that Jonathan continues in a stable condition.

Monday, 1 February 2010


Mon. p.m. Things are still the same, with Jonathan's condition remaining stable. Please continue to uphold Philip, Gillian and Samuel, as they anxiously wait.


Mon a.m. We are thankful this morning to hear that Jonathan has been stable through the night and into this morning. This is what the doctors want following Saturday's surgery.